Auto Insurance Auto 

How Switching Auto Insurance Providers Can Lower Your Rate

Sure, the thought of comparing insurance policies, speaking to multiple agents, and doing tons of research sounds like a hassle, but looking into a new auto insurance provider might be one of the smartest decisions you can make for your wallet. Here are three ways that moving to a new company and policy might make your life better. You Might Be Eligible for More Discounts Not every auto insurance provider offers the same programs and deals. Therefore, by shopping around, you might be able to qualify for more savings somewhere…

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Why You Should Revisit Your Auto Insurance Plan Every Year

More often than not, Americans sign an insurance policy with a trusted company, then forget about the nitty gritty details and prices that come with it. Paying the monthly fee becomes a habit. However, this might not be the best way to reap the benefits of your contract. Experts recommend re-evaluating your policy every year to make sure it’s still the best fit for your budget and vehicle. Why? Check out the following reasons.   There Might Be New Discounts Available  Over the course of a year, your insurance provider…

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Why Some Cars Are More Expensive to Insure Than Others

Your insurance premiums don’t just vary based on your credit score and driving history; they also take the kind of car you drive into account. Some vehicles are more expensive to insure than others for a handful of reasons, so depending on your ride, you might be paying more than the average driver for your auto insurance. Here are some of the factors that make some cars way more expensive or substantially cheaper to insure than others.   Level of Luxury. High-end cars with expensive resale values are typically pricier…

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You’re Probably Paying Too Much for Your Car Insurance

According to recent surveys, roughly 38 percent of motorists in the United States haven’t bothered to check their car insurance rates or compare them with other companies. Many drivers just assume that their rate is equal to the others offered on the market, and therefore they don’t take the time to look for a better deal. They’d rather stick with the company they know and trust instead of spending precious time researching other options. Because of this, many drivers could be losing upwards of $400 by sticking with companies they’re…

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