
Why Renting-to-Own Is Sometimes Easier Than Just Buying a House

When most people think about their living arrangements, they believe they have two options to consider: renting or buying. In reality, that’s not the case. There’s a third option: renting with the intention to eventually own. Rent-to-own homes are becoming increasingly popular, especially in big cities and expensive metroplexes. If you’re interested in the idea of buying a home but aren’t quite ready to commit to a house completely, here’s why investing in a rent-to-own property might be the way to go.   You Don’t Have to Immediately Take Out…

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Renting to Own Housing 

Frequently Asked Questions About Renting to Own

Depending on where you live in the United States, you may never have heard about “rent-to-own homes” in your area. Now that you’ve stumbled across the intriguing concept, you probably have plenty of queries. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the rent-to-own process and straightforward answers to go along with them.   How Do You Find a Home That You Can Rent to Own? First of all, you can find one on your own or with the help of a realtor, depending on your budget and…

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3 Reasons to Stop Renting an Apartment and Switch to a Rent-to-Own Home

If people aren’t ready to buy a home just yet, they usually think that they’re stuck renting an apartment until they feel prepared. Surprisingly, that’s not the case, and continuing to rent an apartment might actually be a bad idea. Here are some reasons why renting-to-own a home might be more financially beneficial than renting your current apartment.   It Could Be Cheaper In big cities like Chicago, New York City, and Miami, rent prices are incredibly competitive. You’ll most likely end up paying an arm and a leg for…

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Benefits of Rent to Own Housing 

5 Great Benefits of a Rent to Own Home

Secure a Home Right Now You may not quite be able to afford buying a house yet, but you can still start the process right now. This is especially ideal for people that have their eye on a particular home, but aren’t quite financially prepared. You don’t have to be able to afford a down payment or even qualify for mortgage to secure your dream home. Although a rent to own home usually does require some deposit, it is much lower and usually very affordable. The length of the lease…

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How to Find the Right Home Security System for You

If you are interested in buying a home security system you will need to make sure that you find the right one for you. Ideally, you will purchase or subscribe to a security system that is easy to use, protects every area of your home and is not too costly. But how can you find the right one for you? we’re going to take a look at this now:   Think About What you Need One of the first things you should do when you’re out to buy a home…

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Rent to Own Homes Might Be a Smart Choice for Millennials

More and more millennials are living at home or staying in apartments for an increasing amount of time. You’ve heard it on the news countless times, and based on conversations with your friends and family who are in their twenties, you probably believe it. Low credit scores, massive student debt, high real estate prices, and a series of other factors are discouraging many young adults from looking into living in and eventually owning a house. However, there is a way that many millennials can slowly and easily transition from renting…

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2018’s Best Home Security Systems

With approximately 2.5 million homes being broken into in the United States every year, it’s more important than ever before to install the best possible home security system. Let’s take a close look at 2018’s best home security systems so you know where you can get your hands on the best security out there.   The Ring Alarm The Ring Video Doorbell is a clever piece of technology that allows homeowners to keep an eye on the person or people who have come to their door. It does this by…

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What Actually Affects Your Auto Insurance Premiums?

When something happens to your car, the first thing you think to yourself is, “Will my insurance cover this?” The second thing you might wonder is, “Will this jack up my insurance rates?” No one wants to start paying higher premiums after one mistake on the road or a misfortunate stroke of unluckiness. However, sometimes what happens to your car can permanently change the price of your auto insurance. If you’re wondering what will raise your auto insurance rates and what won’t, here are five of the top factors that…

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Consider These Things Before Getting A Rent to Own Home

Make sure the seller isn’t at risk of losing the property If the seller ends up losing the property during your lease agreement, you could end up losing all the money you had paid towards the purchase price while also suddenly being without a home. Make sure the seller is financially stable and is not entering into legal proceedings, such as divorce or racking up any serious debts. Some home owners try to use a rent to own lease agreement as a last attempt to pull themselves out of financial…

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Credit Housing 

How Renting to Own a Home Can Boost Your Credit Score

A large percentage of American citizens have credit scores that are lower than they’d like them to be. This can prevent them from applying for loans, credit cards, insurance, apartments, and many other important things. The process of raising a credit score once it’s been damaged can seem extremely difficult. Some people try paying off credit cards to slowly increase their score while others work on establishing a lengthy history. No matter what method they use, it’ll require patience and plenty of time. If your score has been damaged or…

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