
4 Important Reasons Why Grades Don’t Matter

Grades are, without a doubt, the most stressful part of the college experience. Am I going to pass this class? Is a C going to be good enough? Will I get a job with my low gpa? There is this constant pressure to get perfect grades and it can be very damaging to one’s self confidence and emotional security when grades don’t turn out as planned. Here are 4 reasons why you should just take a deep breath and let go of all that stress.   Experience is the key…

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3 Ways a College Degree Will Help You Land a High-Paying Job

Obviously, going to college isn’t entirely about making money in your future career, but that’s certainly a pleasant side effect. The average college grad leads a more lucrative, financially-stable life than someone who only obtains a high school degree. The question is, why? College Gives You Skills That Are Valuable in the Workplace  The courses you take in college give you more than just knowledge in your given field; they help you learn communication, writing, presentation, and organizational skills that are extremely desirable in any work environment. Those talents will…

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College Matches Your Needs College 

How to Tell if a College Matches Your Needs

With dozens of options, if not more, choosing one college to attend can feel like choosing between a bunch of equally shiny, brand-new cars. You love aspects of each choice, but going with your gut isn’t necessarily a smart way to select a future school. If you really want to figure out if a school is a good match for you and your needs, here are the questions you need to ask yourself. Does It Fit Your Budget? First and foremost, you probably need to think about money. The average…

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4 Tips for Stress Relief in the Avalanche that is College

It’s so easy to get caught up in school and forget about what’s most important in life, which is keeping your body and soul happy and healthy. School is important too, but it shouldn’t rule your life to the point of running down your body and mind. Here are 4 helpful (hopefully) tips for decreasing your college stress levels. Get enough sleep when possible Of course those all nighters will happen and it’s unrealistic to suggest you can avoid them all together. Maybe you have a huge exam the next…

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Tips for Finding the College That’s Right for You

Deciding to attend college is a monumental step, and picking the specific school you will attend can feel like the most important decision you’ll ever make. Although that’s not necessarily true, selecting one college to dedicate your time and money to is certainly no easy feat. If you’re in the process of looking at schools, here are some tips that will help you choose the one that’s right for you.   See what scholarships and prices the school offers. Although we all wish college was completely affordable, it’s not. Traditional…

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