
4 Important Reasons Why Grades Don’t Matter

Grades are, without a doubt, the most stressful part of the college experience. Am I going to pass this class? Is a C going to be good enough? Will I get a job with my low gpa? There is this constant pressure to get perfect grades and it can be very damaging to one’s self confidence and emotional security when grades don’t turn out as planned. Here are 4 reasons why you should just take a deep breath and let go of all that stress.   Experience is the key…

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Extended Auto Warranty Auto 

7 Benefits to Getting an Extended Auto Warranty

Huge potential savings Being hit with a huge unexpected expense can be damaging to your financial status. You can try to keep money in your savings for such circumstances, but it’s hard to be able to predict how much you might have to spend. Plus a blow to your savings is not ideal either, especially if you end up having more than one expensive problem with your car. An extended warranty can prevent you from needing to eat away at your savings and will cover you no matter how many…

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Why You Should Buy Life Insurance After Getting Married

When you’re young and unattached, you don’t really need to invest in a life insurance policy. You have no dependents relying on your income, which means that in the event of your death, you won’t need insurance to take care of those you leave behind. However, once you get older and eventually bind yourself to a partner, both legally and romantically, things change. Everyone should look into buying life insurance once they get married, and here’s why.   It Will Protect Your Partner’s Future In the event of your death,…

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Why Renting-to-Own Is Sometimes Easier Than Just Buying a House

When most people think about their living arrangements, they believe they have two options to consider: renting or buying. In reality, that’s not the case. There’s a third option: renting with the intention to eventually own. Rent-to-own homes are becoming increasingly popular, especially in big cities and expensive metroplexes. If you’re interested in the idea of buying a home but aren’t quite ready to commit to a house completely, here’s why investing in a rent-to-own property might be the way to go.   You Don’t Have to Immediately Take Out…

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Credit Improving Credit 

Improving Your Credit

Your credit information is usually used by lenders and others, along with additional finance factors to make decisions about the risks they face in lending to you. If you have negative information on your credit report, it is usually there for up to 10 years. This will make lenders and others get a better picture of your credit history and they may decide to help you or not, depending on their satisfaction of your credit status. You may not be able to change information from the past, however, you can…

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Types of Credit Cards Credit 

The Four Main Types of Credit Cards

If you’ve never really looked into credit cards before, you might assume that all of them are similar in most ways. However, that’s not true. There are four different types of credit cards you can apply for, and each has its own set of drawbacks and benefits. Rewards Cards When you hear people talk about earning points with their credit cards or scoring cash back, they’re most likely referring to a rewards credit card. These hand out several different kinds of benefits in the form of travel deals, airline miles,…

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Extended Car Warranties: Are They Really Just Scams?

If you’ve started researching extended car warranties online, you’ve undoubtedly stumbled across some that seem less than honest. Unfortunately, the world of auto warranties is certainly tainted by illegitimate schemes, but that doesn’t mean every extended car warranty is a scam. Here’s how you can tell if the one you’re considering is legitimate and worth your money. Was the Warranty Offered During a Cold-Call? When you pick up the phone and hear a robotic voice question your current auto protection program, it’s probably a good idea to hang up immediately.…

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Renting to Own Housing 

Frequently Asked Questions About Renting to Own

Depending on where you live in the United States, you may never have heard about “rent-to-own homes” in your area. Now that you’ve stumbled across the intriguing concept, you probably have plenty of queries. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the rent-to-own process and straightforward answers to go along with them.   How Do You Find a Home That You Can Rent to Own? First of all, you can find one on your own or with the help of a realtor, depending on your budget and…

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The Biggest Benefits That Come With a Life Insurance Policy

If you are young or single, you’ve probably heard your peers scoff at the idea of throwing money away on life insurance. They claim it’s not worth the price and that it’s something to worry about later on in life. However, financial experts would have to disagree. Life insurance policies come with several important benefits and can make a world of difference to your loved ones in the event of your unexpected death. Here are four of the biggest rewards that your family (and you) can reap if you have…

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Savings on Auto Insurance Auto 

5 Ways to Increase Your Savings on Auto Insurance

Whether you’re paying a fair price for your auto insurance or shelling out the big bucks for a high rate, there’s always room to increase your savings if you put in a little extra effort. Every company has discount plans and benefits that their clients can qualify for, so don’t let any opportunity pass you by. Here are five ways you might be able to boost your savings while still paying for high-quality insurance with enough coverage.   Bundle Your Auto Insurance With Home Insurance Many insurance providers will offer…

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